


I know. I know. I promise I didn’t mean to neglect. School’s just started & I just picked up a volunteering gig.. So I’m a little shorter on time than usual now, and I’m still in the process of adjusting to this schedule.

I’ll have something up soon! Really!


7. a social appointment, engagement, or occasion arranged beforehand with another person: to go out on a date on Saturday night.

4 a
: an appointment to meet at a specified time; especially : a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character b : a person with whom one has a usually romantic date

I was on a date this past weekend. We went out for lunch & spent the afternoon at the museum.

Personally, I use the word “date” fairly loosely. To me, dates are pre-set appointments/engagements as noted by both Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster.com. No big deal. Whatever. I have lunch/dinner/coffee dates with friends/family/my counselor at school. Whatever. I realize Webster has it noted that the word “date” is especially used as “a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character.” However, also note that it is initially defined as “an appointment to meet at a specified time.”

I have two friends who feel otherwise though. One of which who feels that lunch doesn’t make a date; and another who feels that as long as the other party pays for you, it constitutes as a ‘date’ in the romantic sense.

Me? It’s a date – but one without any romantic connotations tied to it.

How about you?


The thing about being a girl is that we over-think, over-analyze, over-everything.. well, everything.

I just want to have a good time with even better friends. With lots of laughter & silliness.

Stop thinking, brain!! :/


Lemme just warn you now that this probably isn’t gonna make any sense..

Kinda disappointed in myself right now. Don’t really wanna talk about it, but I need to in order to get over it. Sucks.

Had a phone interview type of thing earlier. Failed so freakin hard. Also disappointed because I practically tripped over verbiage. Just that alone accounts for an epic failure. Fuck. How can someone as insistent as I am about language and grammar and the like, TRIP over fucking words?! Ugh..

Wish I was more confident in myself and my abilities. Or rather, wish I was more confident when it matters. Because I’m way more than confident but always at the wrong times. I know what the problem is, and what pisses me off more is that it isn’t anything anyone can “fix” nor is it anyone’s fault. I’m pissed at the lack of experience I have. Or don’t have. Whatever. And of course, the saying goes “everybody has to start somewhere.” That’s not the point. Or is it? Whatever. But it bothers me a lot more than it should. Which sucks too.

Something else that pissed me off though, was not of my doing. But it has to do with schooling, education level, and the like. I’ll have another entry for that another time.

Well. At least I feel slightly better now.


A little late, but..


I hope everyone had a great new year.. Mine was pretty mellow, good friends+poker = always awesome.

For once, I didn’t do any resolutions this year. I didn’t want any goals and I didn’t want to be disappointed should I fail in complying. Whether it be due to my own laziness or situations out of my control. I didn’t want to give myself that pressure of having these set guidelines of things that must be done. So, this year, I’m giving myself things I’d like to have accomplished, but no pressure. But regardless of what these things are, first and foremost: effort. I know that as long as I put in that effort, I can do anything. I have the will/drive to accomplish whatever it is I put my mind to and I know that as truth. You can call me arrogant or whatever, but I’m only speaking what I know as truth. I’m aware of my abilities, and as such, I know better than to set goals beyond my reach. I’d like to think I’m smarter than that..

Anyway, let’s all make that effort and reach our dreams/goals this year.. Slowly but surely, yea? 🙂

I’m Back!


It’s. Been. Too. Long!! I’ve missed you, WordPress!!

Before I start, love to DJ for catching up with me. It’s always nice to know someone’s thinking of you, and even more so for some random stranger to make an effort to keep in touch. [He’s my first friend from WordPress. And um, if you didn’t know that before DJ, you do now. :)]

It’s been nearly 2 months since my last entry and let’s just say life’s been crazy. I really, really began questioning my sanity towards the end of the semester, because really.. WHY did I think it was a good idea to go back to school?!?! Ugh.. Anyway, let’s just say life’s been crazy overwhelming and leave it at that.

Secret project – hiatus some more. le sigh But what can you do. Life + it’s priorities come first – hence, priorities. Sometimes, I wish I wasn’t so responsible. Bleh.

I promise I’ll do better with the updating this time. Or at least I’ll try. Because we all know I don’t believe in promises.


Still here, still alive.

Sorry for the lack of updates.. Pretty hectic lately. Quite a bit of reflecting being done. I think it’s all coming to a close soon, so yea.

Secret Project – on hiatus. I was trying to get everything together by Nov 1st (which has obviously passed) but things happened and I wasn’t able to get to it. Kinda angry about that actually, but we’ll go into that another time. So yea, sort of a indefinite hiatus because school is totally overwhelming right now. Makes me feel kinda like “why did I decide to go back to school again?” Yea.

So much to talk about.. So many thoughts and revelations I want to share: some deep, some personal, others not so much.

Anyway, came to one conclusion, if anything. Everything is half-assed unless I make that effort. So regardless if I can do something adequately well – with or without trying – I’m going to try to always make that effort. Never know what can happen or where things might take me if I don’t try. Why allow myself to settle for mediocre? Right?

Ok, it’s getting to be my bedtime.

Night, lovelies!


I’m working on something special. 😉


Being stupid, I know. I’ll def keep you guys updated once it’s all popped off and everything. 🙂


Someone once said to me that I was a very traditional person.

Of course, being who I am – or rather, was – I immediately took offense to that. I did not appreciate being told who I was, especially during a time when I was still growing into myself (not that I’m not still doing so). A time when I wanted to be anything but traditional, because traditional connotes the stereotypical Asian girl of being demure and submissive – and God forbid I turn out like that. It was an era full of hot-aired pride and determined egos.

Being who I am now, I still have problems with people trying to tell me who I am – as opposed to allowing me to discover for myself. However, I like to think I’m better with accepting the spoken words now. Because now, I understand that I can be traditional and yet, not demure/submissive – because really, God forbid.

As I’ve grown, I’ve come to realize the truth in that statement. Yes, I am quite traditional; and I’m okay with that. Really. And as odd as this will sound, I don’t think I’ll have become who I am now without that. It was, in an odd way, being knocked down a couple pegs – which I really needed. Because seriously, if you think I’m bad enough now.. Let me just say it was a LOT worse then.

I don’t know why, but it’s been on my mind for a while now. Just haven’t had the chance to really speak on it. I guess I just needed to have the words out.

Steve Hsieh – wishing you the best in life, wherever you are; and thanks for seeing something that I don’t think anyone saw. Thanks for helping me become who I am today.


Don’t mean to be neglecting.. But homework + midterms + baby Max’s 1st birthday + holiday weekend = not enough time.

I’ll have something by this weekend!

OH BUT RANDOM.. KAHLIL FONG 方大同 is going to be in town 2/2010 for a concert!! I’m giddy with excitement, I can’t wait!!

Yes, I’m acting like a stupid schoolgirl. It’s ok, you’ll learn to love it. 😉